Invited Talk BORN2019

I had a fantastic time speaking and chairing at the inaugural British Optomechanics Research Network (BORN) meeting in Nottingham. The UK community has grown over the past 5 years, and collaborations are plentiful and far-reaching - great to see a strong bond between quantum gravity theorists and experimentalists.

My talk title and abstract are below:

Commercialising optomechanical devices
A rich variety of optomechanical inertial sensors have demonstrated ultrasensitive measurements of acceleration and rotation using both levitated and clamped systems. Although there are clear advantages for lower noise optical read-out of motion, translating fundamental research into an application specific product requires further understanding of the end-user requirements. In this talk I will describe the commercialisation path we have undertaken to develop whispering gallery mode (WGM) optomechanical inertial sensors including the prototyping of a WGM accelerometer, field-tested to show survival during car-crash-like shocks.