STEM Squad: Making Space Award <3


I am so so honoured to be awarded a ‘Making Space’ award from the STEM squad. If you haven’t realised by now, I care about equality and inclusion - I do my best to equip myself with knowledge (statistics & data are so crucial - see the TIGER resources for a huge treasure chest of evidence), I listen to the experiences of others & I take action by lobbying policy makers and senior management. For nearly 3 years I ran the Women in Physics Group which was a constant source of inspiration - meeting amazing women locally at UCL has enriched my career and also made my efforts effective.

Here’s UCL press release about my award - I always try to namedrop people who have helped me learn and grow as an advocate for equality, diversity & inclusion - I share this award with them!

Asked about the award, Lia said “Winning this award is only possible because of my amazing network of women in the Physics & Astronomy Department who have mentored and supported me for many years. I’d like to thank in particular Dr. Louise Dash (Chair of the Equality and Diversity Committee), Dr. Antonia Bevan (Welfare Committee, Preventing Sexual Misconduct Strategy Group), Prof. Dorothy Duffy (Women in Physics Group) and Prof. Alexandra Olaya-Castro (Vice-dean of ED&I for MAPS). It takes many voices working together to make real impact, requiring courage to speak out, the humility to listen to others, and the determination to work together. This award means so much to me because the invisible labour of equality, diversity & inclusion work is not celebrated enough. If you want to learn more there are so many data resources and testimonies gathered by the TIGERS in STEMM , which is open to membership and already has representation within various UCL departments.”

Lia was nominated for the prize by Madina Wane, a PhD at Imperial. She says “I found out about the awards and Lia’s work through Twitter. Lia exemplifies the honesty, dedication, and allyship we need to make STEM a better place for everyone. Seeing Lia's work and commitment recognized makes me optimistic that all the efforts to improve STEM are slowly but surely making a difference. Lia and The STEM Squad have shown me that community is incredibly important if we want to improve STEM for all. Through her work in science communication, entrepreneurship, and advocacy, Lia has shown me that there are many opportunities to improve society as a scientist. Making a positive difference is as much about your work beyond research as it is about your scientific contributions”. 

Lastly, the STEM Squad provide grants too! And they fund their awards and grants through selling science related clothing and accessories, hosting guest artists and creating a community base. Check it out!