Thank you Dame Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell - UCL Women in Physics Gp

The UCL Women in Physics Group organised a thank you card for Dame Prof Jocelyn Bell Burnell for her donation of £2.4M Special Breakthrough Prize to the Institute of Physics which will fund scholarships for underrepresented minority groups to study physics.

The front design is by an Instagram artist, TheMiddleOfTheNight


For more information, see the UCL press release here. My quote is: Prof. Bell Burnell is an inspiration to all. The fact that her career has thrived despite being left out of the 1974 Nobel Prize for the discovery of radio pulsars is a testament to resilience. Her sublime efforts to engage, elevate and support underrepresented physicists goes above and beyond. In March 2016 the UCL Women in Physics Group had the pleasure of hosting a talk by Professor Bell Burnell and we continue to follow in her footsteps by being an ally to our LGBTQ+, BAME & disabled communities. We cannot wait to see how her scholarships will change the face of physics and break down stereotypes – saying Thank You is the least we could do!

Here is the full card inlay with over 100 signatories from UCL (past & present!) as well as a foreword from the Provost, Prof Michael Arthur.
